Rehoming a Kid friendly Doodle.
Service dog, family dog.
20 pound 3.
5yr Cockapoo.
She has always been well cared for and loved.
She is gentle and good with children.
She is sensitive and loves attention but is not needy and does not beg for food or attention.
Her nervous system is healthy and she is a magical creature.
She is happy to go for long walks and to sit patiently, resting quietly, for hours until it’s “time to go out”.
She loves to go on outings and is happy and well trained to accompany at appointments or wait in the car as needed.
She is 100% potty trained.
She is trained and accustomed to: sleeping in her crate 9 hours a night, Playing fetch with a tennis ball, rolling over and she will sit, stay, come, leave it on command.
She is good on a leash and well mannered with humans.
Her hair is fine and wooly and matts easily; it does not shed.
An occasional wooly fluff can be found in the environment.
She has itchy ears and feet which require some attention.
She has been immunized against all the doggy illnesses.
She has not been spayed and has never been bred.
If adopting Being into your life is something you would like to do, text me.
Her rehoming begins with an application and call and includes guidance and support as well as; a crate, grooming supplies; bedding, food and other items for her care.
You will have all of the basics you need for an excellent transition to her new home.